The most interesting, and challenging, aspect this month is a square between Jupiter in Virgo and Saturn in Sagittarius. Squares denote times of tension. We may feel as if we are continually blocking ourselves from doing what we want to do. There seems to be no way out of a stifling box. This is especially true with Saturn and Jupiter involved because Saturn is the energy of limitation and Jupiter the energy of expansion.
The way out may lie in the fact that Virgo and Sagittarius are mutable signs. That is, they are both adaptable to change and focused primarily on learning. However, both Saturn in Sagittarius and Jupiter in Virgo contain certain innate difficulties. For example Jupiter the energy of higher mind growth and expansion of consciousness, is in a sign that is extremely detail oriented. Jupiter in Virgo, therefore, can get bogged down in an ever-expanding set of minutiae that can cause one to feel overwhelmed and confused. Similarly, Virgo, as an earth sign, likes to find practical solutions to problems. Jupiter, however, can be content with a conceptual understanding and isn't necessarily oriented toward practicality.
Meanwhile, Saturn is all about defining goals and working in disciplined, organized ways to achieve them. Sometimes Saturn can be controlling and authoritarian. It can demand that things be done in ways that conform to specific rules. Sagittarius, however, prefers information to be kept at a conceptual level that can be applied to a variety of perspectives. Sagittarius can be as open minded as Saturn is dogmatic.
This square is between a practical planet in a theoretical sign and a theoretical planet in a practical sign. Consequently neither planet-sign combination is easy to deal. Placing them 90 degrees apart exacerbates the problem.
One thing that Virgo and Sagittarius have in common is a tendency to be idealistic. The problem here is that we may seek to achieve an idealized outcome and fall short, even though we may have gotten quite a lot done and in a high quality way. Or, we may set our goals too low, giving in to the fear that we are simply not up to the task. We could feel restless and frustrated if our conscientious (Saturn) optimism (Jupiter) is unable to accomplish something beneficial.
Another quality shared by these signs is being service oriented. Virgo can focus on anything from healing service to simple domestic chores. Sagittarius can be of support in activities such as education or community service. Both Sagittarius and Virgo have an altruistic part of their nature which can provide a way out of this challenging square.
In our personal lives we can focus on some way of giving back. This could be by working with young people in a service club, coaching a youth sports team, volunteering at an animal shelter or senior citizen center or by becoming a 12-step sponsor. Whatever we choose should be in alignment with our ideals. Do we prioritize nature over community? Is helping the young of greater value thatn attending to the elderly? In any case, we can combine the responsibility of Saturn with the enthusiasm of Jupiter to make a significant difference in whatever we choose.
Professionally the resolution could be more challenging. One benefit to challenges, such as squares, is that they force us to look at ourselves and our lives in a critical fashion. What am I doing and why am I doing it? This square can call on us to question things such as career directions and goals as well as the ways in which we are striving to meet those goals. We might realize that all we're doing is working for a paycheck. Nothing wrong with being financially self-reliant, but what are we compromising in order to make that money? Are we financially stuck because of past choices? Saturn is the lord of karma and our feelings of being limited could be real, but possibly only for a specific period of time. Once we are financially healthy again we can move on to more meaningful work. This square is a time to confront these realities and plan for something else in the future (Jupiter likes to look ahead.)
Even if we enjoy our work, we could feel stuck in a restrictive chain of command in which a boss or co-worker is either not allowing us to expand and achieve according to our desires and abilities or not giving us the proper respect or recognition for jobs well done. The mutability of Virgo and Sagittarius can be useful in this sense because they are good at adapting to various conditions. In addition, if we are centered and owning our power (Saturn) we can be honest in communicating (Sagittarius) our frustration to the higher-ups. It could be that they were unaware of their rigidity or oversight and conditions could improve. There is also the possibility that they know exactly what they are doing, have no intention of changing and things could get worse. In that case, it's probably time to look at the primary question, "what am I doing and why am I doing it" and make a new plan.
The good news about squares is that they can help us untie energetic knots so that we can flow more harmoniously through life.
Aries (March 21-April 20)
Aries: Being too cavalier or incautious could lead to relationship or financial issues in mid-month. This is a good time for feeling joyful, but growth comes from remembering to be realistic and thoughtful.
Taurus (April 21-May 21)
Taurus: Spending time with friends can bring joy and feelings of expansion. Be cautious about moving a relationship from something casual to something more intimate. This can be a time of romantic flirtation but not necessarily a time of deep emotional connection.
Gemini (May 22-June 21)
Gemini: Mid-month could be confusing, especially professionally. Your goals might be too idealistic or may not coincide with others' expectations. A way out comes from being clear both within your own mind and through communicating with others. Late month brings energy for action and creativity.
Cancer (June 22-July 22)
Cancer: Both the new and full Moons will be eclipsed this month. This suggests times when unexpected things may occur. The New Moon in Pisces on the 8th can bring spiritual insights or psychological breakthroughs. The Full Moon on the 23rd in Libra can bring clearer emotional understanding about relationships to family.
Leo (July 23-August 23)
Leo: Blockages, delays or power struggles in early month could give way to expansive opportunities from mid to late month. To enhance and ensure the latter, make sure you are clearly expressing your needs and ideas to others and make sure you are listening to them as well.
Virgo (August 24-Sept 22)
Virgo: Relationship is the key word for you this month. Being willing to engage in meaningful dialogue can clear obstructions and move things along in joyful and productive ways. Initiating physical activity with a partner can lead to a new chapter in the relationship.
Libra (Sept 23-Oct 23)
Libra: The Full Moon in Libra on the 23rd can bring intense emotional self-awareness. Growth can come from taking the initiative to communicate your feelings and emotional needs to others.
Scorpio (Oct 24-Nov 22)
Scorpio: Be proactive initiating projects that can lead to financial growth and stability. Be patient with the project, however, as it could take up to 6 months for your goals to be realized.
Sagittarius (Nov 23-Dec 21)
Sagittarius: You might have felt limited lately, with Saturn in Sagittarius. This is a month to respond to restrictions by being more physically active. However you choose to do that.
Capricorn (Dec 22-Jan 20)
Capricorn: This month could bring challenges socially and professionally. None should be long-term but growth can come by taking a step back. Being more reflective can enable you to take advantage of past success and prepare for more in the future.
Aquarius (Jan 21 to Feb 19)
Aquarius: This can be a time of enjoyable, spontaneous adventures, meeting new people and going to new places. It could prove difficult to deepen relationships or to work affectively toward financial goals, but there should be lots of options for immediate gratification.
Pisces (Feb 20-March 20)
Pisces: Restrictions or frustrations in either professional or personal relationships experienced this month should be short lived. Turn your attention to being more creative and expressive. This can bring both enjoyment in the moment as well as a positive self image.
Rio Olesky has been a professional astrologer since 1976. He is the author of A Manual for the Modern Mystic and Astrology and Consciousness. He offers both private readings as well as classes for both beginning and intermediate students. To make an appointment for a reading or to find out more information about classes and lectures, call Rio at 707-887-1820. Check out his website: