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The Wheel of Light

Monthly Newsletter - January 2025

Four of the outer planets will enter new signs this year. The outer planets pertain to individual consciousness growth and collective social interactivity. We can expect events taking place in the world will reflect these changes. However, due to Mars being retrograde as the year begins, we can expect the rate of change will accelerate after Mars turns direct on February 24. Mars pertains to our drive, motivation and energy level. When it’s retrograde, those qualities tend to fade, so it’s best to not dive into new activities at the beginning of the year. Allow the energy to pick up and for new options to be revealed before initiating new projects.

This month there will be some oppositions that could cause problems. An opposition is a 180 degree angular relationship between two or more planets. They tend to create interactive tension or challenges between oneself and the environment. This could be in the form of a relationship or a set of circumstances that are difficult. One benefit to oppositions, however, is that they can provide 3 ways we can grow. First is by developing self-awareness as we interact with others. Second, we can develop perspective about ourselves based on the feedback we get from others. Third, and I think most important, is the oppositions can provide a sense of direction. They enable to be tension between our selves and others and can thus be motivated to something that will resolve the situation. The fact that we may not feel our normal allotment of ambition or competitiveness, due to Mars retrograde, gives us time to contemplate ways of addressing the challenges and be patient in creating our responses to them.

The main opposition is between Mars and Pluto. This actually began last October and is lasting through mid-January, retuning again briefly in April. This can be a highly volatile combination of energies. Pluto is like a higher octave of Mars, or Mars on steroids. Where Mars brings drive, physicality and ambition, Pluto brings passion, intensity and the drive to release anything that is old, outmoded or stagnant. Pluto is the truth seeker. As such it constantly probes everything to discover what is or is not the truth. Whenever it discovers something that has “passed its pull date” it wants to release and let it go, then creating something new to take its place. Mars, on the other hand, can represent our individual will or ego that can be quite attached to what is, regardless of its viability.

In mid-month, Mars will be conjoined by the Sun, and both will be opposing Pluto. This can be the peak of the opposition. We could feel as if powerful forces are working against us. In a personal relationship, it could take the form of one person wanting a deeper, more emotional or physical connection than the other person does. Financially it could take the form of losses rather than gains. In terms of life style, it could be a push-pull dynamic where we feel obligated to do two things at once even though our interest, time or energy level doesn’t allow for that.

What are potential responses to these types of stress? If we are off-center, we can explode in rage at whoever or whatever we perceive as the cause or source of our misery or losses. This, of course, creates a whole new series of problems even though we haven’t affectively resolved the first one. If we are centered, however, we can use these oppositions to gain deeper insight into our underlying drive and motivation for doing what we’re doing, what we are hanging on to and the degree to which our attachment is in fact bringing us fulfillment. We can also see more clearly how those we are connected to feel about us. Perhaps one reason for the difficulty in this situation is that we want different things or that we just inherently don’t like each other. But third, and probably most important, is that these aspects give us an opportunity to change focus and direction.

Remember that when Mars is retrograde it’s a good time to review our past activities and research and strategize future activities. So while the oppositions may be intense, seemingly requiring immediate response, our best strategy may be being patient. If we don’t allow ourselves to get triggered by immediate events or people, we will have the time to clarify our perspective, deepen our self-awareness and create strategies and goals that can be implemented after March 1. By being waiting we can enhance the potential for greater fulfillment and success than what we would have if we acted precipitously.

Rio will be addressing these and other timely topics in his annual Perspectives talk which will be on Tuesday, January 7 from 7-9 PM PST via Zoom. To be on the list to receive a flyer about this event, email Jean Clifford at

AriesAries (March 21-April 20)
Aries: Use this month as a time to hunker down, get quiet and clean up things from the past. You are good at new beginnings, but not necessarily good with finishing what you start. This is a good time for completing what you still care about and letting go of what you don’t.

TaurusTaurus (April 21-May 21)
Taurus: This is a month for public activity. In early month the focus should be on career. From mid month on, activities with friends and colleagues can prove interesting and fulfilling. Growth can come from clearly defining and consistently enforcing your limits and boundaries to prevent others from taking advantage of your good nature.

GeminiGemini (May 22-June 21)
Gemini: Using this month as a time of quiet contemplation can help you expand and deepen self-knowledge. This may lead to changing behaviors in certain relationships which in turn could lead to conflicts with those who prefer your old self. Growth can come from standing your ground, affirming that the growth and new self are real.

CancerCancer (June 22-July 22)
Cancer: The Full Moon in Cancer on the 13th could bring both extreme emotional sensitivity and tendencies to express those dominant feelings. However, there should be acceptance from others, hence limiting consequences from the vulnerability. Express yourself with confidence and courage!

LeoLeo (July 23-August 23)
Leo: Watch out for power struggles around min-month. One way out would be to be direct and clear expressing yourself, while setting and enforcing limits and boundaries that can be protective while minimizing confrontation. The energies are all in place to support this.

VirgoVirgo (August 24-Sept 22)
Virgo: Two main points of focus for you this month are creativity and relationship. The former should be recreational and take place either alone or with children. The latter could bring romance, affection and feelings of devotion, hopefully in a mutual way.

LibraLibra (Sept 23-Oct 23)
Libra: This is a time to enjoy yourself. Hobbies, sports and creative expression are all supported at this time. There is also an impulse to be practical or useful. So the fun should have purpose as well bringing pleasure. Planning fun activities to be executed in the future would also be a good way to use the energies this month.

ScorpioScorpio (Oct 24-Nov 22)
Scorpio: This is a good time to do some internal review. Work to resolve old issues that have been problematic for a while, but not resolved. Avoid tendencies to blame others for these issues, or project your internal discomfort onto someone else.

SagittariusSagittarius (Nov 23-Dec 21)
Sagittarius: This month continues the internal, review and research activities that have been ongoing for a while. Be selective and discerning, avoiding idealizing people or situations. Blockages and limitations are reminders that this is not a time to move forward.

CapricornCapricorn (Dec 22-Jan 20)
Capricorn: Early month could bring enthusiasm and creative energy. Use it to get clear about future goals, and what you have to do in order to be able to be successful. MId-month on brings opportunities for harmonious, pleasant relationships especially with family and neighbors.

AquariusAquarius (Jan 21 to Feb 19)
Aquarius: The New Moon will be in Aquarius on the 29th. This fits right into the main energy patterns of the month – slow down and look within. This is a good time to tune into very personal feelings that you are not always be aware of. The results of this research are more about self-awareness than they are about sharing these insights with others.

PiscesPisces (Feb 20-March 20)
Pisces: The next two months are ideal times to focus on the spiritual part of your life. Tuning in to the right brain, and its intuitively derived insights can bring deep understanding. Deepening your meditation can bring powerful connection to the Divine Presence. A good time for a retreat if you can.

Rio Olesky has been studying astrology since 1967 and has been a practicing professional astrologer since 1976. The author of Astrology and Consciousness, A Manual for the Modern Mystic, and The Astroreader, Rio offers weekly classes through Zoom. You can call Rio at 707-887-1820. Check out his website:

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